“For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 3:11

In 2012 a building program that was growth driven and designed to enhance First Presbyterian Church’s ministry was presented to the congregation. Our sanctuary was in need of renovation. Our children’s facilities were outdated and inadequate. Much of our campus was inaccessible to the elderly or handicapped. Our congregation responded in faith and began a two-phase building and renovation project to address these issues. Our renovated sanctuary opened in November 2012, and in September of 2014, our new Christian Education Building was completed. We now have a beautiful, updated sanctuary, a new Welcome Center, new adult and children’s classrooms, and a new Fellowship Hall. You have given generously, but now we need to finish paying for this project. Our hope is to retire this debt over the next two years.

What are we doing?

We are seeking to be good stewards of God’s resources by retiring the outstanding $850,000 debt on our construction loan by December 2019.

Why are we doing this now?

Imagine what we can do if money that now goes to loan payments can be redirected to ministry!

• We can free tens of thousands of dollars in our budget for ministry and mission.

• By retiring this debt now, we are not only being wise stewards, but we are releasing our next senior pastor to focus on God’s future for First Presbyterian.

• On a practical note, this is an excellent time to recommit. Because of your faithful giving, 98% of the building funds pledged have been received. However, unless this plan is implemented now, these funds will soon be exhausted.

How have our new construction and renovation projects impacted the ministry of First Presbyterian Church?

• Our Child Development Center, opened in August of 2016, is a first choice for many families. It currently serves the needs of 90 children in our local community five days a week. Every day families walk into the CDC with their children, secure that their child is safe…and that their child will experience the unconditional love of God here. Most families represented are not members of our church family. This is a real in-house outreach ministry!

• Our campus is now handicap accessible and used seven days a week by covenant partners, staff, sponsored ministries, and community organizations for city-wide Bible studies, small groups, various civic organizations, children’s and youth activities, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Just for Women, Farm Share, Open Table, Respite Care, and GriefShare.

• Changes in our sanctuary have brought our choir closer to the congregation and given them ample room to include more musicians in the worship of our Lord.

What would you like for me to do?

Take our challenge:

• Pray without ceasing, giving thanks for the privilege of being a part of this exciting time in the life of our church.

• Faithfully support the 2018 Ministry Action Plan (also known as our annual budget).

• Go the extra mile by making an Over and Above pledge to retire the debt on our new facilities.

Please Mark Your Calendar

November 19, 2017

Consecration and Celebration Sunday

10:00 am – Combined Worship

11:00 am – Celebration Brunch

For more information, please contact:

Don Hebert, Church Administrator (843-662-2583)

Richie Wilhoit, Chairman Enabling Unit (843-229-0381)

Fill out my online form.