(March 24, 2020)
From Matthew 10: “…do not worry about what to say or how to say it. …you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”
The more restrictions that are placed on social gatherings, the more people will be hungry for contact. And hope. On some level, people are realizing: Without Jesus, just what is this life good for? Without Jesus, one’s lack of hope is excruciating. …With Jesus, you hear the words, “Do not worry.”
Reflect on those words for a moment.
Are you seeing the hunger around you? When we only interact with a few people, we are more attuned to them. They are craving a word of encouragement, or a prayer, or a word of hope.
Perhaps you will see it in one of the few people you will meet today at work. Perhaps it is the neighbor you spoke to for a moment while they were walking their dog. Or perhaps it will be someone you speak to on the phone. Telling them that Jesus is real and loves them is not hard or pressure-filled. It is the easiest thing to do. It’s the Holy Spirit. So if someone asks you to pray for them, consider doing it right then and there with them. It’s an open door. You will see your own worry vanish. And your joy will be complete.
Heavenly Father, as the rain comes down and nourishes the land, so your hope pours over our hearts. Show us where you are pouring out that hope today. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.