Describe your primary responsibilities at First:
I am at First Presbyterian Church about 10 hours a week visiting the sick, shut-ins, and elderly. I am a retired pastor.
What are your favorite books?
“The Cotton Patch Evidence” by Dallas Lee, a story of Koininia Farm and Clarence Jordan; several books by Eugene Peterson, including “The Unnecessary Pastor”; “The American Gospel” by Jon Meacham; “The Prize” by Daniel Yergin; and “The Hinges of History Series” by Thomas Cahill.
What is your favorite thing to do in Florence?
I enjoy Florence After Five concerts and listening to live music in other venues.
Tell us about your family: My wife is Carol, who is a Covenant Partner at First. I have two grown children, four growing grandchildren in adolescence.
Tell us about your hobbies: I enjoy traveling, reading and sleeping at the beach, working puzzles, and following professional and college sports.