Peter: The Man Who Became a Rock

John 1:40-42; 21:15-19

“…Jesus looked at him and said, ‘You are Simon son of John/Jonah.
You will be called “Cephas,” which when translated, is Peter.’”

– from John 1:42

Thomas: Make Room
John 20:24-31

“Thomas said to Him, ‘My Lord and My God!’”

– John 20:28

John: Becoming Beloved
Mark 10:35-45; John 13:21-23

“When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John.”

–  Mark 10:41

Paul & Timothy
Galatians 1:13:24; 1 Timothy 1:1-2

“To Timothy my true son in the faith”

— I Timothy 1:2a